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Showing posts from November, 2023

Our December box 2023

Our December box 2023 is ready for Friday, I personally love creating these and have for years, I wanted to share what I have put in this year to hopefully give you some ideas if you wish to create one. I will always add their advent calenders at the back, ready for them to open in the morning. This year I have put in some Christmas crafts for them to enjoy through the whole of December, these include a nativity fizzy felt, some paper chains and a Rudolph ring toss.  I have also got a colouring book and new festive story for them to enjoy. We have some little racing toasties at the front, just something I picked up after Christmas last year, a magic flannel and some bath fizzers. Lastly I always include some new festive Pj's, this means that they can get a full month's wear out of them and make them feel really festive, me and Liam also have the same pj's this year which makes me very happy. I hope you enjoyed finding out what's in our December box, it certa...

What's in our TriyIt box #2

We have been lucky enough to be picked again to review some items for TriyIt and this one has not failed to intrigue us. This box includes some brands that i have heard and used before and some that are completely new to me too. 1. Alpen delight bars - We have been sent the raspberry rocky road flavour and this is one that excites me, I love cereal bars and rocky road, a great combo to try. 2. Angostura orange bitters - We have a tiny bottle to try which includes enough for 2 drinks, I am very excited for this as it can be used within your food or drinks (18+ as alcoholic) 3. Cocoa Canopy drinking chocolate -  Being a hot chocolate loving family, apart from Liam we are eager to try these out, we have been sent the smooth milk and the rich dark with vanilla, both sound yummy and perfect for a rainy day. 4. Harringtons cat meat - We have 2 pouches for Jack to try, he used to be so fussy with his food but I am hoping he'll give this a go. 5. Firelli Hot sauce sample -...

October recap | 2023

Goodbye October, who have been fun (mostly), this month has been full of making memories and enjoying the better weather before winter rears it's head. We started off slow with a few park trips and dress up at school, a slow start was honestly what we needed after last month. We did have so car troubles later in the month but luckily nothing Liam couldn't fix.  We have had some lovely days out including a lovely trip to  Bodiam Castle  it was so nice to explore and enjoy the seasonal quest they had.  We also got around to decorating the girls bedrooms, a feature wall of sage green with the rest being white, they also have personalised LED lights for above there beds. Lastly comes Halloween, both my girls love it with the  Boo basket , trick or treating and dressing up too, we firstly did a hint in our local shopping centre with Lils being Wednesday and Olivia as a gothic bride. Halloween day was fun was a party and trick or treating in our local area...