My breastfeeding journey began before our little lady was even born, when I was just 34 weeks pregnant. My midwife told me about harvesting colostrum to give to our newborn and a have a store just in case. I was so intrigued as I so desperately wanted to breastfeed this time around. Harvesting Colostrum Leaving my appointment, syringes and instructions in hand, I was exited to try this out. Now this is an experience that both me and liam took on, purely because I could not see what I was doing. It was tough going and frustrating at times, with spillages and not quite getting it right at first but we got there in the end. Starting off with a 1ml syringe, we filled that within 3 sittings and I felt quite happy, we tagged it with the date and I placed in the freezer. As the weeks went on I was producing more and more of this 'liquid gold' until I was filling a 5ml syringe within two sittings. Now don't get me wrong, this can be time consuming but if it wasn't...