I have had this in my drafts for a while now as it still feels very raw to me, but I do want to document the journey we took to bring Olivia into the world and tell our story of having a retained placenta. It started about 7 am on the 15th of April when I woke up feeling very uncomfortable, not so much in pain but I just knew something was different. Me and Lils had breakfast together before I decided to run my self a bath and wake Liam to let him know. The bath was amazing and helped, i ended up spending almost two hours in there just topping it up with hot water, I had a t-shirt on so Lils could sit and keep my company too. The pains had started a bit and it felt like a strong period pain, I got dressed and tried to relax but ended up being sick, which seems to be a sign for me being in labour as had this with both Lils and Olivia. This is when I knew that it was imminent and decided to let my Dad know as they were watching Lilly for me. By 1 pm I decided to ring labour ward and...