I have had this in my drafts for a while now as it still feels very raw to me, but I do want to document the journey we took to bring Olivia into the world and tell our story of having a retained placenta.
It started about 7 am on the 15th of April when I woke up feeling very uncomfortable, not so much in pain but I just knew something was different. Me and Lils had breakfast together before I decided to run my self a bath and wake Liam to let him know. The bath was amazing and helped, i ended up spending almost two hours in there just topping it up with hot water, I had a t-shirt on so Lils could sit and keep my company too.
The pains had started a bit and it felt like a strong period pain, I got dressed and tried to relax but ended up being sick, which seems to be a sign for me being in labour as had this with both Lils and Olivia. This is when I knew that it was imminent and decided to let my Dad know as they were watching Lilly for me. By 1 pm I decided to ring labour ward and speak to them and they advised me to try and keep going. at 3 pm I rang again as the pain had ramped up and they told me it was time to go and get checked.
This has to have been one of the most uncomfy car rides ever and one of the hardest as I knew I was going to be leaving Lils for the last time as a Mum of 1. We dropped Lils off which was emotional in more ways than one, the last cuddle from Lils made my heart ache and my Dad getting emotional too didn't help and as we drove away I silently cried for a few.
The hospital is only a 5 minute drive from My Dad and Angie's house which was handy. We arrived and this is where covid took over, I was buzzed in but Liam had to stay in the corridor while I got checked, I met a midwife called Kerry, who was lovely, she was covered in head to toe with PPE which made her job so much harder as her face shield kept fogging up. When she checked me she gave me the news that I was just 2 cm and told me to take a walk around the hospital grounds and try to eat and drink, then come back in 2 hours and get checked.
2 hours and 1 sicked covered jumper later and I was back in the room on my own just to get the news there was no change apart from that she had turned. We headed home with a deflated heart as I was sure I wasn't going to be able to do it. When we got home Liam it was around 6 pm, Liam ran me a bath and I sat in there for a good hour, getting pains every 5 minutes, I video called Lils at 8 pm which was a hard one, as I couldn't concentrate properly as I was in so much pain.
Liam suggested getting out and trying to get some rest so I got out and got dressed again, he put the big bang theory on and we TRIED to relax on the bed, this did not happen as the pain was so strong by this point. At around 10.30 pm Liam decided to ring again as he felt something was different, I don't remember getting back to the hospital but I remember getting into the labour room with the birthing pool and the midwife just said you are definitely in labour. She started running the pool and then I felt a distinctive 'pop' and a gush, my waters had broke, she then checked and I was 8 cm. I was so proud of getting there.
Liam was finally aloud to join me on the labour ward and I was given some gas and air, being in the pool felt like such a short time and felt like forever all at once. I kept clock watching to see what day she was born as it was approaching midnight. I finally felt like I needed to push as started just before midnight, her head was born and then I had to stand to help gravity and she was born at 00.21 am on the 16th of April 2020.
The moment she was in my arms is a moment I will never forget, it was so surreal as she looked like Lils but it was fantastic to hear her cry as Lils didn't. I was left in the pool for around 20 mins to savour the moment and see how the placenta would come.
This is when things changed, I was taken out of the pool and placed on a bed where people started to talk, they got Olivia to latch and then told me that my placenta was taking longer than normal. They gave me the injection to try and help it along but after an hour they decided to bring in a consultant, this is when they tried to use my belly to get it to loosen, this was very uncomfortable but sadly didn't work.
It was decided that it was time for me to taken to theatre for a manual removal of the placenta. This was the scariest time as so many people rushed in and started prep, I had to sign something and then I was taken off to theatre leaving Liam and Olivia in the room. I was given a spinal tap which is like an epidural but I believe its different. The whole procedure took around 20-30 minutes, it wasn't nice being away from Olivia but the doctor was amazing, I knew what was happening but I didn't feel any pain, just a little pressure. Once it was all over I was wheeled into recovery and waited for Liam and Olivia to join me.
We were in there about an hour before Liam had to go and me and Olivia was taken off to the post natal ward, where I had to get my obs checked every 30 minutes. till around 7 am and then it was a waiting game for my legs to work properly and me to be able to go and take my first wee. it was around 11-12 before I could get out of bed but I was so happy for this, I had tried to get them wiggling from the moment I got onto the ward, then my first wee followed which meant that I could be discharged and take our little girl home. I was finally discharged at 16.20 on the 16th and I couldn't be happier.
All in all it was a fantastic birth with a not so good part after but I was well looked after and well informed the whole time I was there. Having a retained placenta can be scary and I did loose quite a bit of blood but i had no further complications and I have 2 beautiful daughters at home with me. I have also heard that retained placentas are rare.
I really do hope this helps people in the future and please don't hesitate to leave comments below.
Victoria x
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