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Showing posts from May, 2024

May recap | 2024

May has been a wild one and one that has had a lot of smiles and memories made. The highlight of this month was that Liam has got himself a job which he is loving. It seems so odd to have him out the house but we are all so happy for him. The start of May me and Lils went to Eastbourne to see  Everybody's talking about Jamie  which was incredible, we also managed to get to stage door and meet some of the cast too, something I have never done before. Lils also competed for there school that week and smashed the 75m sprint coming in 2nd. A few days later we got to experience seeing the Northern lights, well kind of, We were able to see them through a photo we we took them but sadly not with our eyes.  Lils has also taken part in her SAT's exams and she did so well, there was so much pressure on them for these, more from themselves than anyone else but she honestly did us so proud getting through them with a smile on her face. The sun has shown its face a few tim...

Currently reading | Promise me

Booked number 2 of 2024! I am a terribly slow reader but do love a good book to emerse myself with and this one is definitely one that I am enjoying. Promise me by Jill Mansell has had me hooked from page 1, it's a story of romance, loss and a cantankerous old man who you can't help but have a soft spot for. Lou is trying to cope with the loss of her husband and job finds a fresh start in the Cotswolds. Jill Mansell manages to captivate me with every book that I have read of her and I am intrigued to see how this story falls together. I love the fact that 'Promise me' is unpredictable and I have no real insight on how this story is going to end.  If you like a good romance that holds the heart then I would certainly check out anything by Jill Mansell. Victoria

Mummy Outfit | Feeling fresh

A quick little outfit post as I am in love with this dress and it doesn't break the bank either. I have recently been looking into dresses more, I have always been a jeans gal and pretty much live in them so felt it was time for a change. This dress is an absolute bargain and one that was definitely a keeper the moment I tried it on, I found this on Temu when looking for some summer ideas that I liked, I purchased size 14-16 which fits like a glove for me and fits perfect for the sizing, the middle has an elasticated area which makes it super comfy to wear. The material is light and floaty and perfect for the warmer weather. I have paired this with my 'V' necklace that the girls got me for my birthday and a simple set of white sliders from primark but would love to get a nice pair of sandals to finish it off.  If you wish to check this dress out then I leave the link  here Victoria

Everybody's talking about Jamie UK tour | Congress Theatre Eastbourne

A place where we belong and a place that I want to stay, what a show! We have recently been to watch Everybody's talking about Jamie UK tour at the congress theatre in Eastbourne and we were in for a show and a half. The show is based on a true story of a boy, Jamie who is played by Ivano Turco, who wanted to be accepted for who he was, a drag queen, the story shows his journey from his first conversation with his friend to wearing a dress to prom with all the drama that comes along with being 'different'.  Each song was performed to perfection from the opening song 'everybody's talking about Jamie' getting everyone clapping and swaying to 'wall in my head' and 'it means beautiful' silencing the room for every word to sink in.  The staging and set are amazing with the use of projectors helping to create the vision that they are trying to portray, the stage being able to be opened and moved so freely to create different rooms and the l...

April recap | 2024

What a month, April was a good one and one that I won't forget. We started off with half term, two weeks of fun but the weather wasn't on our side for some of the time. The girls spent most of the time in a tent that I put together for them, something I love to do during half terms.  At the end of the holidays we took a trip to  Wingham wildlife park  for Olivias birthday treat day, this place is honestly amazing and we will definitely be taking a trip again. A few days later we celebrated her actual birthday, she is officially 4 which is crazy. She had nursery and then we took her to the park for some fun on her new scooter, we then visited Granny and grandad for presents and cake and finished the night with McDonald's. She was so thankful throughout the day which was so sweet. After that is was back to the crazy school runs and getting everything caught up on. We have had a day out looking at some military vehicles, enjoyed the scattered sunshine at the park...