What a month, April was a good one and one that I won't forget.
We started off with half term, two weeks of fun but the weather wasn't on our side for some of the time. The girls spent most of the time in a tent that I put together for them, something I love to do during half terms.
At the end of the holidays we took a trip to Wingham wildlife park for Olivias birthday treat day, this place is honestly amazing and we will definitely be taking a trip again.
A few days later we celebrated her actual birthday, she is officially 4 which is crazy. She had nursery and then we took her to the park for some fun on her new scooter, we then visited Granny and grandad for presents and cake and finished the night with McDonald's. She was so thankful throughout the day which was so sweet.
After that is was back to the crazy school runs and getting everything caught up on. We have had a day out looking at some military vehicles, enjoyed the scattered sunshine at the park and I have finally started a new book.
So all I'm all April was great? The highlight was Olivias birthday but the rest of the month was pretty great too.
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