How are we at the end of February already? I feel like this year is flying by. I really enjoyed writing a little recap last month and this month has been a lot better. We started off with a little Mum and Lilly day, she had an inset day from school and I took the opportunity to spoil my girl. We started with a Mcdonalds breakfast and finished in the arcades at the 2p machines. Finally I am feeling better so I have taken the girls out more, on walks and to the park to make up for the past couple of months. The fresh air has done the world of good for my mental health and I feel the girls really appreciated the time too. We celebrated Valentines day with a few little gifts and Liam cooked me a love dinner, we had homemade burger and chips. During half term we visited Scotney Castle and hunted out some dinosaurs, we made cookies, visited family and went on a lovely walk to find some horses. The past week we have enjoyed some pancakes for pancake day, Olivia is not a fan of crep...