Lils have been asking for a while if she could get her ears pierced and I finally let in. We chose the first week of the summer holidays so they had time to heal before she was due to go back to school.
I personally picked Claire's accessories as this is where I had my ears pierced a few years back. They now provide a 3 week aftercare solution which in half the time that I had to wait.
There was a queue for the piercing as a few parents have had the same idea but it wasn't to long to wait. The area was cleaned before we were allowed over and the lady changed her gloves.
We picked the earrings and lils was prepped while I signed the paperwork. They lady was very particular in where the placement was and got me to check to as well as which earrings we had picked.
When the time was right the lady brought a second lady over who sanitised and gloves up so that both ears could be done at the same time. The ladies pierced and kept Lils calm the whole time.
After the piercing was done we were spoken through and shown how to clean and take care of her piercings.
All in all the staff were fantastic and professional the whole way through and the place was well sanitised. We also got 20% after which we spent on her first pair of earrings for when they are healed.
Victoria x
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