So yesterday I went to an appointment that most women dread, the cervical cancer screening one, formally known as a smear test. I feel to myself that this is such an important one as it literally takes 10 minutes and could save your life. I also feel like a lot of women put this off and wanted to write a post to reassure women that its nothing to fear.
My appoint was a 2.20pm and I was out by 2.35pm, I was called into the room, and I'm not gonna lie I felt nervous, that is completely normal, its not the most pleasant thing when another person who is not your partner is near your lady parts. She went through a few questions and then we chatted which made me more relaxed, I think the nurse had been doing this for a while.
after the questions it was time to get on with the actual check, I was asked to removed my bottom garments and lay on the table with my ankles together and knees apart. This makes it easier for them to see what they are doing, The best thing you can do is relax (as much as you can), a speculum is used for the nurse to be able to see where you cervix is. Mine was a little high so she got me to cough which moved it into a better position.
The actually sweep of the swab takes 10 seconds, it is a little uncomfortable but no worse than a graze and the pain stops instantly, you may have spotting after but that is completely normal so I would advise to wear a panty liner. Once it is over you sort yourself out and are told how long it will be until the results come through, it is normal for them to take 6 weeks.
Things I want you to remember.
- It is ok to feel nervous
- The nurse doesn't care if you are shaved or not
- You can ask any questions to the nurse
- It doesnt hurt.
Please make an appointment if you have had a letter or you know you are overdue, it is so important to get checked.
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