So, you now 11, almost a teen but not quite. The first couple of weeks of being 11 have had there highs and lows, things seem to have been going at 100mph since and it's a lot to take in for both if us.
You have entered your last year of school and comes with that is looking at the next stage and actually applying for your secondary school, this seems so unreal that we are at this stage as it only feels like yesterday that you started primary. You became prefect and are helping the little ones and have also taken your mock SATS, so much for such a small amount of time.
You certainly have a strong attitude and sometimes we clash, it's part of growing up and learning how to deal with things but it's not easy. You certainly do have your good days and you do make me and your Dad so proud.
I still can't believe that my eldest is growing so fast and I will be forever grateful that we have gotten to watched you grow from a tiny 6lb 11oz baby to a beautiful, talented 11 year old you are now
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