I think December 2024 has been the busiest month of my life, along with moving, working and Christmas all taking up time, I am glad for the little best of quiet before going back to work next week.
December started off with us moving house, this has been the craziest thing ever and it still doesn't feel real that we have moved and won't be going back to the flat ever again. Don't get me wrong, I couldn't wait to move but I will miss the view from the flat and it makes me emotional thinking about all the memories we have made together there.
I have also been trying to keep it as normal as possible for the kids so we took a trip to a festive day at our local shopping centre, they had a merry-go-round, hook a duck, candy floss and Sanea reading stories. We also managed to visit Santa properly the week after which Olivia loved.
In the middle of the month we took a trip to Sheffield park for The Snowman event that they had running, this was a chance to catch up with my Dad and Angie and get the girls out of thr house for a while and away from the chaos of moving boxes. It was a beautiful day out and I am so proud that I drove that far as a year ago I wouldn't have at all.
The last week has been full of Christmas and festive things, we went to have fun at our local pantomime, Peter Pan with my Mother-in-law and the girls, we baked loads of yummy treats and watched some family movies and it has been amazing.
I feel so grateful for the month we have had and the memories we have already made in the house.
Victoria x
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